Thursday, December 7, 2006

Camden School District Superintendent Search

Somehow it doesn't seem like they wanted widespread attendance at this meeting since it was announced in the papers on the same day it was being held. See the small article below.

Hey come to our really important public meeting it's staring in a couple of hours. We know you've got dinner to cook, kids to feed, etc but drop everything you are doing.

Does anyone have any faith in the current leadership of the Camden School Board to lead this search? Maybe the most important criteria should be: significant leadership exerperience as a superintendent in another school district. Perhaps that's asking too much. Superintendent Knox found Camden to be a great training ground for her first job as a Superintendent.

The biggest news today is that the bill creating powerful offices of a County School Superintendent is moving forward. This is great news. Much like the role that the Camden County Prosecutor has played over the Camden Police Department we will have some local oversight over the Camden School District.

It is very difficult for state bureacrats to get their hands around the mess in Camden. It takes too many years of sustained work. Ultimately a County Superintendent might have more luck.

Jeff Brenner

Courier Post Thursday, December 7th, 2006


Opinion by the Courier-Post Editorial Board

Camden School District's effort to reach out to the public already proves it's on the right path after the woeful reign of Annette Knox.

Knox proved time and again she had little interest in what district parents wanted and what was on their minds. This created an adversarial relationship even though both sides had the same goal -- the full education of Camden's children.

The next superintendent needs to be willing and able to listen to residents. And we're glad to see the district appears to agree.
NEWS UPDATE e-mail newsletter
Camden seeks input on superintendent

The Camden School District will hold a community input meeting tonight to set criteria for its search of a new superintendent of schools.

The event is set for 6:30 p.m. at the Brimm Medical Arts High School, 1626 Copewood St. in Camden.

Previous superintendent Annette Knox left this year under a cloud of questions.
Published: December 07. 2006 8:14AM

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